Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Why Marvel Comics Is Starting To Piss Me Off

Big M, I love ya...but you need to New 52 this shit, pronto.

I've been a fanboy since about...1988 or so.  I would have been 10 then, so that sounds about right.  In particular, I have been an X-Men fan for ever and always - since then.  I grew up in a rural area outside a small town - where the only place to buy comics locally was at the grocery store.  Ewwww, non direct-only versions.  I know.  Whatever.  I started buying comics when cover price for a standard monthly was 75 cents.  Yeah, I'm that old.

I digress.  There was one X-Men title: the classic, Uncanny X-Men (R.I.P.).  I remember what a humonstrous deal it was when the X-Men series came out.  Of course, there was also X-Factor and The New Mutants, which became X-Force.  But that was it.  Easy to keep up with.  Pretty self-contained, save the occasional cameo appearance across one book or another.  

In the ensuing years, however, we've been given bludgeoned to death with X-Man, Astonishing X-Men, Ultimate X-Men, X-Men Legacy, Uncanny X-Force, X-Statix, X-Men Legacy, Generation Hope, Wolverine and the X-Men, X-23, and probably 150 or so that I'm forgetting.  Not to mention all the "event crossovers" and mini-series.  Don't get me wrong, some of those were (or were probably) good to excellent books.  *Full disclosure: I stopped reading regularly around 1996, picked up again around 2000/01, and stopped again around 2003, until 2010/11.*  Here's my problem:  I don't care.  Oh, and I don't make enough money to support any semblance of keeping up with all the goings-on in the X-Universe. 

I still love the X-Men.  And Marvel, I still love you too as a whole, but bro...why are you fucking with me?  I can't keep up with your ways anymore.  You're getting sloppy.  Lately, I'll admit, my eye has been wandering more than usual.  Yeah, I'll admit I've been creeping on Oni and Image...hell, even calling up old Wildstorm and Dark Horse back issues for some quick fun.  What do you expect?  Cut the shit.  You got way too much drama for me right now.

Oh, and...where the fuck is Dazzler????  Find a way to properly utilize her already.  

Hell, give me a title (even the Avengers have, what, 30 or so now?) - I'll build a new team consisting of Dazzler, Cloak and Dagger, Saint Sinner (yes, from Clive Barker's Razorline...line), Moon Knight, Penance (er, Hollow now, apparently), Chamber, and Nightmask.  Hire Jae Lee or Chris Bachalo (haha, like I could afford them) for the art, Neil Gaiman for the writing (again, what's my budget here????) and make it Marvel's dark, twisted fantasy of a book.  

- Johnny Decibel

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