Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Texas Theater is showing “Dark Side of the Rainbow” on 8/24.  When I brought this up to my wife she didn’t sound so excited by the prospect of catching a contact high.   You know you’re old when you have that conversation.  At some point “contact high” crossed over from the “Pro” side of my page and entered the “Con” side.
Anyway, if you have never witnessed that groundbreaking mash-up, from before we knew to call them “mash-ups”, it’s pretty fantastic.

My personal choice among the 5 Best DFW Movie Theaters is the Dallas Angelika at Mockingbird Station.  Yes, there are better on-screen presentations elsewhere and more charming venues, certainly, but crotchety old me loves Angelika mostly because parents don't dump hellspawn there for the entire day (See Northpark, just down the road).  So most of Angelika’s clientele are film lovers from University Park and surrounding areas.  Occasionally there’s the RTF drop out who challenges himself to shout answers to all the trivia slides.  But I've run into jerks at Angelika only a handful of times.  Wes Anderson movies will attract more feet proppers than most films.  Stay away from exclusive engagements of director Wes Anderson, unless you like feet smell.
The "Cry Baby Matinees" Angelika offers is a terrific opportunity for parents who can't afford or don’t trust baby sitters.  Parents can watch sophisticated flair and not be concerned with fellow patrons wishing death on their kid.

Plus there are places to sit inside and drink a cocktail if one is chronically 30 minutes early.  We grab whatever free literature is lying around and head for the big cushy chairs on the far right side.  And there are so many cool spots nearby, like
Trinity Hall,  Premiere Video and Keith’s Comics, it’s so convenient to  partake in double features, buffering dead time with alcoholic shopping sprees.

Here’s something I learned this week:Since Toy Story's debut in 1995 over 70 computer animated films were produced by major studios and very few of them earned less than $100 million. And these are just the earnings before studios factor in fast food promotions, DVD sales, and all of the merchandising. 17 of the top 20 computer animated films have been produced by Pixar or Dreamworks, grossing over $13 Billion.

No wonder a sequel to Finding Nemo was recently
announced.  A perfect film never needs a sequel, but the king-sized payday Finding Nemo 2 provides may bankroll a half dozen other potential hit films ( before the creative accountants get to it).

- Dale Beggars

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